

March 29, 2021

Six doctors at the center of the US Covid-19 response

Over the period of few weeks, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent, met with a number of medical experts to discuss how the US became home to…
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March 17, 2021

Alexei Navalny describes the living conditions at Penal Colony: ‘Our Friendly Concentration Camp.’

Navalny described his initial impressions and living conditions at Penal Colony No. 2 on his official Instagram account on Monday. The post also featured Navalny's selfie with a shaved head and black…
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March 16, 2021

Ethiopia’s Tigray crisis

CNN - "Tigray massacre: How an Ethiopian festival turned into a killing spree": ━ "The Massacre in Axum" report by Amnesty International: Amnesty…
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February 24, 2021

Hong Kong plans to make public officials swear oath of loyalty to China and the Communist Party

Hong Kong's government plans to introduce new electoral changes ordering public officials to pledge and maintain an oath of loyalty to Hong Kong and Bejing. Officials…
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February 22, 2021

Beijing 2022 Olympics could validate China’s authoritarian regime

"A successful Beijing 2022, with hundreds of thousands of vaccinated, mask-free spectators packing stadiums, could serve as the ultimate proof of concept for China's authoritarian…
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February 20, 2021

Amb. Boris D. Pankin – highest ranking Soviet diplomat to stand with Gorbachov against the coup – turns 90

“Valentina says you have sympathetic eyes. We will happily join you and Barbara (Day) for dinner." And so began my near three decade long friendship…
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February 19, 2021

Belarus – Belsat TV journalists sentenced to two years in a penal colony

Yekaterina Andreyeva (27) and Darya Chultsova (23), journalists of an independent Belsat TV channel, were sentenced to two years in a penal colony for live-streaming…
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February 17, 2021

Concerns over Chinese vaccine, transparency and pharma standards

(CNN) "Mass public vaccination programs using a Chinese coronavirus vaccine are underway across Indonesia and Turkey, where tens of millions of people are expected to receive doses…
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February 10, 2021

Lubomír Volný, Anti-EU Czech Nationalist causes fracas in Czech Parliament by refusing to wear face mask

A fight broke out in in the Czech parliament's lower house between Lubomír Volný, who refused to wear a mandatory face mask and a chairman who switched…
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February 5, 2021

Sergey Maximishin, a doctor who treated Navalny after poisoning, has died

(CNN) Sergey Maximishin, the deputy chief physician of the Omsk emergency hospital, where opposition leader Alexey Navalny was treated immediately after his poisoning last summer, has "suddenly" died…
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