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ArticleAtlantic Eye
July 22, 2009

Monsoon season in Ostrava

OSTRAVA, Czech Republic, July 22 (UPI) -- Nineteen years after communism's demise, the Czech Republic is mostly a model of success. Still, many in the…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
July 3, 2009

A forthright Gen. Wes Clark

OXFORD, England, July 3 (UPI) -- Gen. Wesley Clark has served the United States with honor for 45 years -- 38 of them in the…
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Atlantic Eye
June 23, 2009

Leadership springing from evil

TEREZIN, Czech Republic, June 30 (UPI) -- Leadership comes in many forms. Often it springs from a crisis -- often from evil. Normal people become…
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Atlantic Eye
June 19, 2009

1969, 1989, 2009

BURY ST. EDMUNDS, England, June 19 (UPI) -- I lie on the sofa watching the student demonstrations in Iran, dozing in and out, recovering from…
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Atlantic Eye
June 1, 2009

Global vignettes poles apart

BUCHAREST, Romania, June 1 (UPI) -- My cigarette in hand, I glimpsed what I thought was a U.S. Army Combat Uniform. After security, I saw…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
May 20, 2009

The Duty of Memory

MONTGOMERY, Ala., May 20 (UPI) -- For the civil rights movement it is a city associated with Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. For…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
May 7, 2009

Hillary’s Prague Radio Free Europe visit

PRAGUE, Czech Republic, May 7 (UPI) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been rather exceptional in her first 100 days in office. She has been a…
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Ilya Rips. On April 13, 1968, State University of Latvia student Ilya Rips tried to commit suicide by setting fire to himself by the Freedom Monument in Riga as a protest against the occupation of Czechoslovakia.
ArticleAtlantic Eye
April 27, 2009

Ilya Rips, a Latvian Anti-Communist Hero

PRAGUE, Czech Republic, April 27 (UPI) -- Flames began to engulf the young man at the foot of Riga's Freedom Monument. A brilliant 21-year-old student…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
April 15, 2009

Romania’s Princess at 60

BUCHAREST, Romania, April 15 (UPI) -- The honor guard stood in full regalia as King Michael and Queen Anne strode the staircase to their waiting…
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