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ArticleAtlantic Eye
March 5, 2008

Momentum won, momentum lost

COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 5 (UPI) -- Ohio was on my mind as I began my day with my laptop being stolen between Brussels and Amsterdam. It…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
February 26, 2008

President-to-be Obama

WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 (UPI) -- Dear Mr. President-to-be: On Jan 28, just a week before Super Tuesday, I co-hosted a dinner with 25 guests at a…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
February 19, 2008

A communist apologist wins

HAMILTON, Ontario, Feb. 19 (UPI) -- Czech President Vaclav Klaus barely won a second five-year term from Parliament on the weekend. Klaus was given a run…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
February 12, 2008

U.S. Elections – in their own words

TORONTO, Feb. 12 (UPI) -- No U.S. presidential primary in recent memory has been watched overseas more closely than the 2008 contest. It has also brought…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
February 6, 2008

As the votes came in

SYRACUSE, N.Y., Feb. 6 (UPI) -- It is 8:50 p.m. EST on Super Tuesday. I have just gotten off the phone with former NATO Supreme Allied…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
February 1, 2008

Kiwis, Cows and Kangaroos

LONDON, Feb. 1 (UPI) -- A famous vignette of World War II has Field Marshall Montgomery visiting a New Zealand regiment in North Africa. Montgomery's…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
January 10, 2008

Hillary’s tear to victory

PRAGUE, Czech Republic, Jan. 10 (UPI) -- Her defining moment is not really the tear she almost shed. The defining moment was her loss in Iowa.…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
January 4, 2008

Hillary’s aura evaporates

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia, Jan. 4 (UPI) -- I have been telling the European political classes that U.S. elections are complicated. I have been explaining to them that…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
January 2, 2008

The death of honor in sports

VIENNA, Jan. 2 (UPI) -- I had a recent conversation with the sons of an old friend. They are in their teens and had overheard me…
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