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ArticleAtlantic Eye
August 25, 2007

Liquidate them if necessary

MOSCOW, Aug. 25 (UPI, The Washington Post) -- Forty-six years ago, in August 1961, the Berlin Wall was built. As a teenager I would walk…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
August 9, 2007

Leading by example

YEKATERINBURG, Russia, Aug. 9 (UPI) -- President Bush has advocated creating democracy worldwide -- a meritorious goal whose strategic implementation has been an abject failure.…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
July 31, 2007

Conversing with Berezovsky

MELBOURNE, Jul. 31 (UPI, The Washington Post) -- Who really knows Boris Berezovsky? Of all the articles written, books published, of all the portraits on…
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July 17, 2007

Twisting the shadow of 9/11

PRAGUE, Czech Republic, July 17 (UPI, The Washington Post) -- "If that's what you need, that's what you got," was the latest Bush-speak delivered in…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
June 28, 2007

Political Machinations

Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, June 28, 2007 (UPI, The Washington Post) - Gordon Brown's accession to the British Prime Ministership doesn't seem half bad when…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
May 31, 2007

Robert Kennedy’s Legacy

WELLINGTON, New Zealand, May 31 (UPI, The Washington Post) -- Doris Day and James Stewart play a couple who accidentally stumble onto a planned political…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
May 14, 2007

Europe’s inspired politics

BUCHAREST, Romania, May 14 (UPI, The Washington Post) -- For good reason, many show contempt for public policy. But sometimes leaders show courage, renewing our faith…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
April 26, 2007

Morocco’s right to Sahara

Washington D.C., April 26 (UPI, The Washigton Post) -- Ambassador Hassan Abouyoub, Jens-Hald Madsen and I stood on the portico of the magnificent Mirage Hotel…
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ArticleAtlantic Eye
April 16, 2007

Morocco’s indispensable role

TANGIER, Morocco, April 16 (UPI, The Washington Post) -- Two explosions by Islamist cells in Casablanca in the past week should not eclipse Morocco's crucial…
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